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Oh my gosh this looks so cool! I'm gonna give it a read now

Ok, I love it! Its so cool and well thought out. Here are some of my thoughts, if that's alright!

- I love the way that the rune designs work, its so creative!

- I got a bit confused when you mentioned mystics knowing the letters of their full name whereas other people only know their first name. I would mention before hand, perhaps in the rune crafting procedure section, that you don't know every letter right away.

- I love the though put into combining runes! Its super clever and allows for so much customization!

- I'm a bit confused on backlash. Does it just means that the more closed a rune is, the better? I guess the charts are a bit confusing to me.

Overall its super creative, and you've done really well with providing internal balance to a completely agnostic system!! I'm definitely going to keep this in mind for some of my games.

In the descriptive text above you have: "Runes work as in Spell Friend and Enter, but the tiles must be boned to the object via a material related to the effect." I assume "boned" should be bonded. Haven't looked at this yet, but very interested.

Thank you for pointing that out, the description should be updated now!